Saturday, June 11, 2011

Switching Gears

Our children have been out of school since May 24th and my last day at work until August was the 31st of May. Though our pace has not slowed, I am thankful for a mental shift from work, more emotional energy to focus on other things, and more time to spend with the kids.

So far we have spent very few days at home and many on the road. Helena (our van) has been outfitted with new parts for her air conditioner, new shoes (tires), and a new fuse for cruise control. She has faithfully carried us to Knoxville and Ohio and we are thankful for more time with her!

Thom and I enjoyed time with Katie and 6 other 5th grade students at Destination Imagination Globals in Knoxville at the end of May. Our four days were packed with activities and competition. The kids finished 19th in their age/category and competed against teams from the States, Turkey, Mexico, and China. They had a blast!

A few days later we travelled to Cleveland to visit Thom's mom, sister, and brother-in-law. We had a great time with them and enjoyed an Indians baseball game. David had a blast! 

After a few days home, Katie, David and I headed over to SC to see my parents while Thom has travelled to Arizona for a meeting. We have enjoyed spending time with them swimming and having wonderful, lazy days!
I went out for breakfast one morning with my dad and mom and I got to do one of our favorite things-shop! Yesterday our focus was pants for my trip to Uganda. We ventured to Goodwill and I was thankful to find the type I was looking for-convertible with nylon material that will air dry well. God is so faithful in His provisions! I was so thankful to find just the kind I need in my size (and on the $1 rack!!)

I am looking forward to Monday when Katie and I will go with our church to Centri-Kid camp in KY. Though my role as chaperone will be busy, I am praying that God will use this time to continue to prepare me for Uganda. I cannot believe we will be there in 40 days!! After reading the travel blogs and Facebook posts of others on mission to Uganda in the past week, God has reminded me of the need to prepare my heart with Scripture. I fully anticipate this mission trip being more difficult than I can imagine and know in the hard times my greatest comfort and strength will be His Word hidden in my heart!

"Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song. He has become my salvation. With joy you will draw water from the salvation. In that day you will say: Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted." Isaiah 12:2-4
(from Jesus' Calling devotion for today)

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