Friday, April 13, 2012

LIfesong for Orphans Grant, Part 2 (Our Letter)

Dear Family and Friends,                                                                                                                                                                  

Some of you know we have felt called by God to adopt a child into our family.  We are adopting a little girl from the Democratic Republic of Congo and are currently waiting to be matched with a specific child (age 3-7). Should she have a sibling, we are approved to adopt up to 2 children!

You may be wondering how we began our adoption journey.  In 2010, God began to open our eyes to the estimated 147 million orphans in our world. We prayed for God’s direction for our family regarding orphan care/adoption. Over the past 2 years God has used several things, including scripture, to soften our hearts.

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction…”  (James 1:27)
“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

In 2011, Lori traveled to Uganda with Visiting Orphans. When she returned, we continued to seek God’s plan. A few weeks later, Thom heard 2 adoptive dads speak and was convicted that we needed to step out in obedience and begin the adoption process. Within a few weeks, God clearly led us through a series of events to adopt in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  

The biggest challenge for us is not opening our hearts and home to another child; it is the finances needed. We estimate our total cost for adoption fees, document preparation, home study, airfare, travel, attorney fees, etc. to be at least $25,000. We know God is faithful and is leading us to trust Him. By God’s grace we’ve been able to pay the initial $9,500. We trust Him for the estimated remaining $15,500.

Honestly, pride makes it difficult to make our needs known to others. Yet, we know it is Biblical to do so. We are thankful God has brought you into our life and humbly ask you to pray & consider supporting us in our adoption.

1. Prayer – Prayer is essential in this process! Please pray God would care for our child in the DRC until we are able to bring her home; that God would prepare Katie and David for the upcoming changes to our family; and that God will give us wisdom and discernment as we raise each of our children to know and love Christ.

2. Financial support –Lifesong ( has graciously given a Matching Grant of $2,000 to help us bring our child home.  Lifesong is a trusted organization administering the funds on our behalf, and will pay adoption expenses out of funds received. We hope to receive tax-deductible gifts by May 21 for the grant.

If you feel led to give financially, please make checks payable to: Lifesong. You may preference how the donation might be used by writing “preference Thornton Adoption/Acct #2634 ” in the memo.  (*Note: In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to Lifesong.This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor’s suggested use.)  Mail checks to: Lifesong for Orphans, Attn: Thornton/Acct #2634, PO Box 40, Gridley, IL 61744

Thank you for joining us on the journey to bring our daughter home through prayer and finances – we trust it will be an investment with an eternal return! (Matt 6:20) Please pray this entire process will glorify God!

In Christ,

Thom, Lori, Katie and David Thornton

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