Monday, November 28, 2011

Rainy days and Mondays...

This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

It is Monday morning and the rush of a new week is here. The rain is coming down and traffic is calling my name. I go out into this week, however, with warm thoughts from our Thanksgiving break. Just a quick recap of our time away before heading out.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving in Ohio with Thom's family! It has been a long time since we were all together. Our kids got to see aunts from Chicago, a cousin in from NYC, cousins from the D.C. area, and an aunt and uncle and Grandma, who live in Parma (outside Cleveland.) Thom's sister, Donna and husband Keith, hosted us all for Thanksgiving dinner. The meal was wonderful and the kids had a great time playing together! 

One of the things we have always done together is play cards and games, but not as much in recent years. This time we gathered around the table and introduced our kids to new games, Farkle and Apples to Apples. David is getting better at sitting and playing with us. It was fun to watch his personality come out when playing Apples to Apples!

Katie got to have her special "Aunt Dee" time and went to see the Muppet Movie. While they were out, Thom's sister Carole and mom helped me make some of our fundraising jewelry. We had a fun matching colors and working together. We are truly blessed and thankful that both of our extended families are so supportive of our adoption!

Our visits are too few and far apart, but we made great memories and enjoyed the time we had. So thankful for the time away and time to be with family!

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