Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Thornton Family is Growing!

We're following God's call to grow our family 

through international adoption!

Whew! It feels so good to write those words as we continue on the journey God has placed in our hearts for some time now. After much prayer, scripture reading, and research, we have decided to respond in obedience and pursue adoption. Over the past month, we have discussed this in our home, shared with our extended families, and sought wisdom from trusted friends. 

The country God has placed before us and given clear direction toward is the Democratic Republic of the Congo. At the top of the blog, we give more details about this country and why our hearts are drawn there. 

We are at the beginning of the adoption process. We anticipate many ups and downs and unexpected turns in the road. While we do not know what the future truly holds, we are trusting the Lord for this journey and His timing! 

Without a doubt, we cannot travel this journey alone. We know that we first need the Lord to "supply all [our] needs according to His riches in glory" (Phil. 4:19). These needs will be physical, emotional, and financial. We also look to family and friends for support. 

Some of the ways we need your support:

1) Prayer. For our family, that we will not be consumed or completely overwhelmed with the process before us. Pray that we will seek and trust God's wisdom each step of the way. Pray for our child(ren) who wait for a forever family and for us to come to them. It is sobering to realize that God already knows their name(s) and who they are!

2) Encouragement. We will undoubtably become frustrated or discouraged along the way! We welcome supportive questions, conversation, and your continued friendship throughout this process. 

3) Financial support. There is no way around it: adoption is expensive. Our journey will cost about $30,000. We appreciate any purchases from our site. We are starting with t-shirts (pre-order) and will add cool jewelry, photo cards, coffee, and other fun things soon! You may also make a donation of any amount toward our adoption expense. At this time, financial donations are not tax-deductible. We are looking into possible ways to make this available in the coming months. 

4) Share our story. Post our blog link on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter "tweets," or share the old-fashioned way- face-to-face with your friends at church, office, over coffee, etc. Ultimately, this isn't about us, however; it is about sharing God's story and His love!

5) Subscribe to our blog by email and/or subscribe as a member. We will use the blog as the primary way of sharing about our adoption journey. This will be the easiest way to follow the journey. (If you are local, we are also open to coffee and conversation with you at Starbucks or a local coffee shop!)

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