Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Life goes on...for some

A sweet Ugandan team member and I occasionally talk on the phone for accountability as we process and try to listen for the "what now." Separated by many states, our hearts are connected by the our experiences in Uganda. We share how God is challenging us and leading us from this experience.

During our last phone conversation, we talked about blogs we read. We discussed recognizing many faces in the pictures from more recent mission teams. We are sobered to think about all the things we have done since returning from Uganda on August 3 and to know many of the children are still in the same place. 

We also talked about the good things that are happening through Sixty Feet in the prisons. Because of what God is doing through Moses and Sixty Feet, 200 Bibles have been purchased in their languages, 7 more children are receiving education this week through sponsorship and a few are being reunited with families.

One of the things we know to do is to share our stories. We pray that God will lead others to ask what they can do. Prayer, sponsorship, or a financial donation will make a difference. Going on a mission trip will definitely change your life.  While we cannot do everything for everyone, we can make a difference for some. 

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